Tuesday, July 27, 2010


KinderStarGarden has been processing in the Heavens long before I can remember but conciously for over two years now.  I am starting to feel the reality of it all coming together and I have to tell you.. this feeling is WONDERFUL!

My heart has always rested with the nurturing and guidance of children and since I was a small child, I have read and studied, found mentors and teachers all of which, I felt, could bring me to a happy place where I can actively put my vision of helping children and their parents to live a spiritual life of freedom, love and peace.

My husband and I parent four amazing and very different children and although there has been challenges along the way (and I'm absolute more to come..), being a Mother is more than I could ever dream it to be.  The hard parts are more than outweighed by the joy and love I feel at watching them grow along their own personal journeys.

I recognise our family's relationship as a committment to each other, to bring out the best and the worst, and so at times, we have struggled with raw emotions and manic outbursts.  There have been days of depression, anger, resentment, bitterness... but I am glad to say that the strength of our bond has always pulled us out of the depths of darkness and into the light of love.

I believe Children truly are angels of divine wisdom sending messages of the future and helping us to reconnect with the love and guidance of the natural world.  With mirrors in hand they shine the light in our eyes to awaken our true parenting potential and focus on those things we find most challenging about ourselves.  They are also wonderfully open at displaying great affection and telling us how beautiful we are in every way.. if only we take the time to listen.

KinderStarGarden is a gift from my heart to you and your family.  I wish you a joyful life of great health and happiness and a deep connection to the love and peace within each and every one of you.

Brightest Blessings
Angel xx

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